A Poem for Caitlin

Caitlin Sweet has moved to NYC.She used to be in GGG.I miss her oh so terribly. I saw this photo and remembered thee,Sunshine girl in the yellow TOh Caitlin, the Sweet. www.merlin-works.com


Blanton Comedy Tours Photos

I just learned about some photos online from the Extremely Grand Opening of the Blanton Museum where we gave improv comedy tours. (Thanks Rachel.) Take a look at some photos. And some more photos. www.merlin-works.com

Podcasts on Comedy

My improv partner Shannon turned me on to The Sound of Young America, a radio show about things that are awesome. Actually its more like an interview show that focuses on comedians. I like it…

Amy Sedaris on NPR

What I found interesting about this piece was how Amy Sedaris talks about her writing process with Stephen Colbert and Paul Dinello. How they write and she improvises and she doesn’t really want to be…


Jeff Garlin: Improviser

An interesting article in the Nytimes about Jeff Garlin of Curb Your Enthusiasm and his adventures in Hollywood as an improviser www.merlin-works.com


Animal Husbandry

It’s no secret that I love the Sunday New York Times. First, I gloss over the front page. Wait, first I get a non-fat decaf latte from Teo, the best coffee/gelato place in Austin. Then…
