Recovery One Online

I played the voice of “South” in the Rooster Teeth Production of a Red vs. Blue spin off mini series called Recovery One. My improv partner Shannon played “Wash” and Lee Eddy is “Command.” The…

Backpack Picnic in the NYTimes

My friends Jeremy, Mitch, and Rene are featured in an article about New Media in this Sunday’s New York Times. Lots of Little Screens: TV Is Changing Shape By unchaining video watchers from their TV…


Nytimes Article on the Value of Mistakes

This article does a great job explaining the real signals we get about mistakes and the real value of failures. Highly Recommended. The Many Errors in Thinking About Mistakes We grow up with a mixed…


Mention in Backstage Magazine

Check out this article in Backstage Magazine about Accidental Actors. It features one of my students, Jeff Guerrero in the section “Chalk It Up.” At the end of the article, he mentions taking my improv…


Philadelphia Improv Festival

I went to Philadelphia with my improv troupe, Get Up, with Shannon and Sara, and my husband, Jon. Here we are at a restaurant in the Cincinnati Airport and we are already so excited. Wednesday…


Improv Family Photos

Here is my Level 2 Improv Class Goofing around with some “Family Photos” The Shy Family The Cheerleader FamilyThe Superhero Family I can’t remember what this family was, but I like the photo.