
Dusk in the Blogosphere

Every week I’ve been Googling the show to see where it has turned up. Most pages are those I’ve personally submitted to or sent a press release out to, but there have been some postings…


Dusk is Reviewed in the examiner

Glowing review of Dusk in the Examiner. My favorite paragraph (warning: this is me gloating) : “The cast of Dusk is top-notch. Many players had to portraymultiple characters throughout the performance, and communicationbetween them was…


Dusk in the News

Dusk is a Recommended pick in the Chronicle this week. And I love the way Brenner describes the show: DUSK: IMPROVISED TWEEN EROTICA Gnap! Theatre Projects introduces its send-up of the ridiculously popular Twilight vampire…


Opening Weekend Recap

Opening weekend was a resounding success. The shows were sold out online before the box office even opened. The shows were really strong and I think are only going to get stronger, once we get…
