
Early Summer 2023 Classes are Open for Registration!

$25 Early Bird Discount Expires May 28!Classes begin June 12! Celebrate Savings on Early Summer Classes! We know you’ve been waiting for our Summer schedule of classes! We think this schedule is worth the wait with NEW LOCATIONS available this…


What is Narrative Longform Improv?

Improv is about PLAYING Shortform improv is about PLAYING theater games (or parlor games?). The purpose is to entertain. To escape reality. Longform improv is about PLAYING scenework games. The purpose is to tell the truth. To see…


Spring Classes Open for Registration!

$25 Early Bird Discount Expires March 12! We know you’ve been waiting for our Spring schedule of classes! We think this schedule is worth the wait with a NEW LOCATION available this session!   Join us as we shake off…


The Experience of Stand-up

Stand-up comedy is the art of raw speaking and storytelling. There can be education, there can be stories. There will be laughs apart of the experience.
