
Do you feel that “spring” in your step? Sense that spirit of optimism floating through the air? The days are getting longer, we’re heading into springtime in Austin, and there’s so much to look forward to! ☀️

For example, our spring session kicks off the week of March 31st, with Free Intro Classes running March 24th & 26th. Registration is OPEN and we’re ready to help you grow in your confidence, make new friends, and push your stand-up, storytelling or improv skills to the next level. 

Did you know our latest Recess improv show was hosted by a graduate? Or that our last Cauldron helped a stand-up comedy student get onstage for the first time outside of an open mic setting? At Merlin Works, we’re passionate about helping YOU grow in whichever direction interests you. Sign up for a spring class now and watch yourself blossom! 🌸

Read on for specific class offerings! 

Beginners start with our Short Form Series: 

Learn to tell true personal stories in front of an audience without notes. 

Find your comedic voice as you practice telling jokes on stage into a microphone



A lot of improvisors hate that voice in their head judging the scene they’re playing. Once you regard this as valuable playing material, another world opens. We’ll discover how we can become aware of the thoughts in the mind of the player and use it in a constructive
way as text/action for the character. The result: sparkling scenes, happier improvisors and more truthful scenework. People who took this workshop last year wrote: 

“To my surprise, I found that my scenes were getting better and more honest when I embraced and even took inspiration from the voices in my head. I highly recommend this workshop.” (Kelly Agathos, Belgium)
“This workshop has been one of the most significant workshops I had the pleasure to participate in. It opened my mind to the possibility of improvising freely.” (Nir Biran, Israel)

Workshop is for experienced players with at least one year’s experience performing in shows or taking classes from any improv school. Please email classes@merlin-works.com for pre-requisite approval if you are not a Merlin Works alumni.

About Karina

Karina Dominguez is the registrar and assistant to the Dean of Merlin Works Institute of Improvisation. She graduated from the Merlin Works program in December 2011 with three performances of "The Amazing Improvised Race." She is a full-time actor with commercial credits such as Burger King, Ford, Totino's, H-E-B and various departments for the State of Texas. She was last seen in the opening episode of the second season of "American Crime", and as the welcome video ranger in the second season of HBO's "The Leftovers", and as Helah in the first season of "The Chosen". She also performs on-stage in various Austin, TX plays including for Capital T Theatre, The Vortex, Vestige Group, Pollyanna Theater among others.

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