We are so freaking excited to have Paul Normandin lead Merlin Works in to our next chapter as we are working towards returning to in-person classes and shows.
Paul, a dear friend and Merlin Works alumni, has been teaching Storytelling classes virtually during the last year plus and showed exceptional ability as an instructor and team member. Paul has amazing project management skills. (He’s a Project Management Professional and is the former Senior Planning and Project Advisor to the Assistant Commissioner for Laboratory and Infectious Diseases for the State of Texas.) He is held in high esteem by the many who already know him in the improv and storytelling community and beyond. (He’s a Moth GrandSlam winner, a member of the improv troupe In Our Prime, a producer of TesitfyATX and a competitive Ultimate Frisbee player.)
I’m excited about how he’s going to bring us forward to give so many people in our community what they so desperately need: joyful gatherings and connection in person.
Please congratulate Paul Normandin and welcome him to the Merlin Works team.