We kick off our own version of March Madness THIS Saturday, March 1st, with the first in a series of shows and events that are sure to make you smile.
→ Come by Creative Action at 6pm for our FREE Musical Improv Jam, led by long-standing improviser and teacher, Marissa Wahkuna Ponder, with accompaniment by David Rosenbaum.
→ Then, stick around for Stand-Up Showcases at 8pm and 10pm. Austin comics Valerie Nies and Katie Felton have worked with students to find their comedic voice, (Stand-Up 101 – Registration Open!) or challenge themselves to try different styles of joke writing (Stand-Up 301 not offered this spring, but Stand-Up 201 Registration is Open!).
What students are saying about stand-up at Merlin Works:
“Valerie is a genius and incredibly talented. I’m impressed with her ability to create humor so quickly. She helped mold students’ materials very effectively.”
“Learning by doing was the best. Having access to the open mic on Monday nights was really nice.”
Can’t make it this Saturday? Come see us March 8th or March 12th for our Improv 601 & Storytelling Showcases.
After almost a year of training, our 601 students are ready to debut their very own narrative longform, an improvised mystery. Come find out who dunnit!
REMINDER: Recess is an improv show YOU can be in at 10pm on March 8th! To submit, fill out this form.
If you’re not jumping onstage, you can join us in the audience by purchasing tickets online. We’ll look for you in the crowd!
All events located: Creative Action, 1023 Springdale Rd Bldg #3