Join us this Beginning this Saturday for TWO Weekends of Improv Celebration!

July 13: Free Improv Jam, The Cauldron & 

NEW! Recess! 

July 27: Free Musical Improv Jam, Stand-Up 101 & Stand-Up 201 Student Showcases!


Free Improv Jam

When: 6 PM, Saturday, July 13, 2024

Where: Merlin Works East: Creative Action 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3

Who: You–And anyone else who signs up!

What: Come meet, mingle and play some improv games led by a Merlin Works instructor. You might even get up on stage and perform for the group!

FYI: Wear clothes that are comfortable to move around in, bring a water bottle, and let the instructor know if you need any accommodations when you arrive.

The Cauldron

When: 8 PM, Saturday, July 13, 2024

Where: Merlin Works East: Creative Action 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3

Who: Students, Graduates, and Faculty of Merlin Works Institute for Improvisation

What: Mixing Stand Up, Music, Storytelling, plus all the flavors of Improv in just the right proportion, the Cauldron will concoct the perfect potion to heal what ails you! Laughs, joy, and heartfelt fun are all to be had with one evening of our special brew! 

FYI: In case of a sellout, seats unclaimed by start of show will be sold to walk-ups and/or released for student seating. 

If you are a Merlin Works student registered in the current session, you get in for free when you check-in at the door. Please note that paid ticket-holders will be seated first before student seating is released.

NEW! Recess

When10pm Saturday, July 13th 2024

WhereMerlin Works East: Creative Action 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3

WhoMerlin Works students who have completed Improv 201 who will then be grouped with other individuals to form a one-night-only team.

WhatAn improv show consisting of both existing teams and mash-up teams performing 15-minute montage sets.  

FYIIn case of a sellout, seats unclaimed by start of show will be sold to walk-ups or released to students. If you are a Merlin Works student registered in the current session, you get in for free at the door! (As seats are available!)


Free Musical Improv Jam

When: 6 PM, Saturday, July 27, 2024

Where: Merlin Works East: Creative Action 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3

Who: You–And anyone else who signs up!

What: Come meet, mingle and play some improv games led by a Merlin Works instructor. You might even get up on stage and perform for the group!

FYI: Wear clothes that are comfortable to move around in, bring a water bottle, and let the instructor know if you need any accommodations when you arrive.

Stand-Up Comedy 101 & 201 Student Showcase

When: 8:00pm Saturday, July 27, 2024

Where: Merlin Works East: Creative Action, 1023 Springdale Rd., Bldg. 3, Austin, TX 78723

Who: Stand-Up Comedy 101 & 201 students!

What:  Instructors Valerie Nies & Katie Felton have guided their students through shaping these 5-minute stand-up comedy sets over an 6-week workshop series.

FYI: Pre-purchase of tickets HIGHLY encouraged. This showcase tends to sellout. In the event of a sellout any seats left unclaimed will be sold to walk-ups. Students registered in the current session get in free when they check-in at the door (as seats are available!).

About Karina

Karina Dominguez is the registrar and assistant to the Dean of Merlin Works Institute of Improvisation. She graduated from the Merlin Works program in December 2011 with three performances of "The Amazing Improvised Race." She is a full-time actor with commercial credits such as Burger King, Ford, Totino's, H-E-B and various departments for the State of Texas. She was last seen in the opening episode of the second season of "American Crime", and as the welcome video ranger in the second season of HBO's "The Leftovers", and as Helah in the first season of "The Chosen". She also performs on-stage in various Austin, TX plays including for Capital T Theatre, The Vortex, Vestige Group, Pollyanna Theater among others.

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