A Conversation on Physicality in Improv
with Asaf Ronen
Paul Normandin along with other guests will ask questions and share their experiences with Asaf’s teachings, classes, and shows. We would love for you to join the Zoom meeting on August 2nd at 1:00 PM CDT and bring any questions you may have about Physicality and Improv.
Scheduled Zoom Meeting Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 6163 6283
A Conversation on Stand-Up
with Comedian Valerie Nies and Storyteller Paul Normandin
Are you interested in learning more about In-Person Stand-Up and Storytelling classes at Merlin Works? Because we have a special opportunity for you to meet and ask questions of two of Merlin Works’ newest faculty, Comedian Valerie Nies and Storyteller Paul Normandin. They will answer your questions about these two performative art forms and share the joy they find in teaching and producing shows for new performers.
They look forward to you joining their Zoom conversation on August 3rd at 8:00 PM CDT and please bring your questions about Stand-Up Comedy, or Storytelling.
Scheduled Zoom Meeting Details:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 4395 6787