Watch the improv all-stars of Austin, The Known Wizards, headline this improv comedy showcase with spontaneous scenes, hilarious games, surprisingly good songs, and fantastic stories all made up on the spot based on audience input. You say it, we play it–like magic!
Sunday, March 3rd, 2019
Merlin Works Improv 301 graduation, Singing Improv Masterclass recital &
The Known Wizards!
8pm show featuring:
- Improv 301 graduation – Our short-form students celebrate the culmination of 3 classes of instruction with a graduation show! They’ll play a series of improv games inspired by audience suggestions!
- Improv Singing Masterclass recital — Improv Singers who have graduated from our regular singing program and have spent the past 8 weeks honing their performance skills to bring you a completely made up musical!
- Merlin Works faculty troupe The Known Wizards rounds out the evening with spontaneous scenes, hilarious games, surprisingly good songs, and fantastic stories all made up on the spot. You say it, they play it—like magic!
- On ZACH’s 130-seat Whisenhunt Stage (1510 Toomey Road)
- Metered parking on site at ZACH