Improv: Your Anti-Aging Solution!

The first time I took improv classes I was 21 years old.  I remember walking in and being surprised that I was actually the youngest one in my class!  As we began Improv 101, I saw each individual person, no matter the age, transform to the goofball they probably identified as at one age.  I felt at home.

I’m 27 now and was recently taking a look at all the improv groups that I’m a part of on Facebook, taking a look at all the people that are also a part of those groups and the improv community and had this realization that I don’t know how old pretty much anyone I know in improv is!  I’ve seen the same friends performing since I began improv and newbies perform and the trend I’m seeing is that I don’t see age!  Am I onto something here?  Improv makes your ageless??!

We’re all doing improv for our own reasons, but I think one common reason is that we like to have fun.  On a monthly, weekly and even daily basis, people around Austin gather to perform, release energy and express themselves through improv.  Most have your average day jobs who escape to be around what many call their second families at improv classes or shows at night.   I see real passion in improv, which can be very inspiring because just by being in the community, I can tell you that no matter your age, if you’re passionate and having fun… you feel good, you feel like you’re in your prime (Oh snap! In Your Prime is totally a troupe that you should see)!  I’m just going to say it… Improv makes you (feel) young!

Improv is for anyone who likes to take a risk, have fun and feel good!  Screw botox and the gym!  Laughter and good buddy is what you really need and the best place to start is Merlin Works!

-Ashlee Medlin, student blogger

About Shana Merlin

Merlin Works is the brainchild of Shana Merlin: improviser, teacher, and performer. Since 1996, she’s been leading classes that stretch people’s imaginations, push them out of their comfort zones, and make them laugh out loud for hours at a time.

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