Everyone at Merlin Works certainly hopes that our students have enjoyed their classes during this spring session. So much so that we’re now offering a discount to our current students if they sign up for the next session!
Merlin Works discounts aren’t just for the early birds anymore. Yes, the early bird discount is still available up until midnight on April 30, 2012 (coupon code: earlybird), but now current students can maximize their savings for classes with a current student coupon code on their next class.
For current students who register for the next class up in the next session, the coupon code is current in Google checkout. So, if you register with the early bird coupon and the current student coupon, you save $50 on classes!
But that’s not all! Students who are new to Merlin Works and register also get a new student discount. Coupon code: newstudent. New students additionally have the opportunity to get another discount when they buy a class for a friend. If a new student’s cart totals $400 or over, they get $100 off!
It’s a great way for you and your friends to join Merlin Works 101 class or Improvised Singing 101 class together! Coupon code: bogo.
Register for Improv 101
Register for Improvised Singing 101